2nd Meeting:  August 29, 2009

Venue:           MORMS    

Time:             1:00 p.m.

3rd (last) Meeting:  October 31, 2009

Venue:                    MORMS

Time:                      1:00 p.m. 



WHAT:                                             Morms Batch '87 Grand Alumni Homecoming (Theme:  1st Time Natun!) 

WHEN:                                             December 30, 2009 (final date)

WHERE:                                           Rio Grande Bistro, Gbtn, Albay (final venue)

ACTIVITIES:                                     ASSEMBLY -            7 a.m. - 8 a.m. at MORMS Covered Court

                                                       MOTORCADE -         8 a.m. - 10 a.m.

                                                       Back to MORMS for snacks and batch project orientation

                                                       DINNER & SOCIALS - 5 p.m. - 12 mn (at Rio Grande Bistro)

REGISTRATION FEE:                         P150.00/head

T-SHIRT FEE:                                   P80.00/head

REGISTRATION CONTACT PERSON:   Lea Ostria LondoƱo (she teaches at MORMS)

DEADLINE OF REGISTRATION:           December 7, 2009 (registration is still ongoing)

                                                                  c/o Lucilo Portugal                           


BATCH '87 Project:  Main gate w/ school name arch & side entrance gate;  enhancement of existing gate posts w/ deco stone &                       recessed lighting, plastering & painting over of existing walls. 

The existing main gate of MORMS 


Proposed gate of Batch '87 (approved by Principal)

The design of the gate and arch is currently being modified to increase stability and soundness of structure. The new design will be posted as soon as it is available.

          The wall, shed, posts and guardhouse are already existing and will just be plastered and painted over. The posts will be enhanced with deco stone and recessed lighting with translucent glass tiles. The specifications of the gate and arch will be posted as soon as the modified design is available.



MANNER OF REMITTANCE:      Through bank or direct remittance to Ms. Nenette Ricafort Daet at MORMS

BANK DETAILS:                       Bank:                                 Land Bank of The Philippines, Ligao Branch

                                              Account Name:                  Nenette R. Daet

                                              Savings Account Number:  2766 0 701 94 

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